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The Pre-Marketing Process

In a competitive market with many investment managers seeking a portion of each investor's annual alternative asset allocation, having an organized premarketing process in place at the start of each project is crucial.


Many large institutions, particularly public pensions with lengthy and clearly defined investment approval processes, begin developing their list of funds to pursue for each year's commitment allocation at the beginning of the year, or even at the end of the prior year. Since marketing calls and roadshow meetings typically stretch over multiple months, it is important to contact certain key investors and consultants early in the fundraise to secure a spot on their list of funds to pursue.


Additionally, certain investors and consultants with particular experience and interest in the offering's investment strategy can provide valuable early feedback regarding fund terms and positioning of the fund relative to other managers they may be considering. As appropriate, USCAP will schedule premarketing meetings with certain investors even before the PPM has been completed to solicit such feedback. Many investors with whom we work closely appreciate such a 'first look' to ensure they are fully aware of the merits of the fund offering, can reserve a potential slot in their annual allocation, and have an opportunity to influence particular terms of the offering.

Areas of Particular Attention in our Pre-Marketing Process:

  • Prepare summary 'teaser' to notify investors of fund timing and key offering details

  • Identify select group of target investors ideally suited for the fund based on investment strategies of interest and current portfolio allocations

  • Distribute teaser to first wave of investors, consultants, and gatekeepers

  • Initiate dialog with selected target investors and determine early interest

  • Schedule selective premarketing meetings to collect early investor feedback

  • Collect feedback to gauge market interest and identify any potential issues in structure, terms, or timing

  • Prepare and coach management team for investor roadshow presentations and identify probable Investor questions

© 2024 a Division of the IFC

by US Capital Group

an AmeriCorp Group company

1-(888) 97-USCAP







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* Target Returns


All target ROIs shown in this site are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual results, and are not a guarantee of future results. Target returns are based on assumptions that may not prove to be accurate. There are several limitations inherent in target returns like those portrayed in this website. Additionally, a specific investor’s actual performance may differ materially from such illustrative data depending on numerous factors. No representations or warranties whatsoever are made by USCG, its affiliates, subsidiaries, or any other person or entity regarding the future profitability of an investment vehicle or the results of making an investment. Projected or past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Due to various risks and uncertainties, actual events or results may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated in such forward-looking statements and may be worse due to various factors, including, without limitation, changes in laws, fluctuations in real estate markets, the tourism and hospitality industries & the oil and gas sector and increases in costs, and adverse conditions in the credit and capital markets. Moreover, actual events are difficult to project and often depend on factors beyond the control of USCG, its subsidiaries, and affiliates.

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