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A Simple & Effective Process


Loan application


Project Assessment


Supporting Documents


Term Sheet


Schedule Capital


Closing and Disbursement


Construction &

Sell, M&A or Refinance

We empower entrepreneurs and their business, projects or real estate investors of all sizes to challenge themselves and take the risks necessary to realize their goals. At USCAP, we invest not abstract concepts like credit scores, or other financial metrics but in the people behind the idea, and the passion that creates the opportunity.


We arrange funding via loans and other types of debt, can other types of capitalization such as equity and mezzanine financing. As banks continue to make it harder for businesses to source funds quickly – we are able to fill that void. Our core competency allows us to eliminate the difficulties faced by entrepreneurs – when encountering traditional lenders. With us, bad credit – no credit – or a questionable track record, is not an issue.

© 2024 a Division of the IFC

by US Capital Group

an AmeriCorp Group company

1-(888) 97-USCAP







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This website is not an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to purchase securities. All information available within this website is general in nature, not directed to any particular person, and is for informational purposes only. This website excludes material information, including, but not limited to, risk factors to be considered by prospective investors. The information contained herein reflects the opinions and projections of US Capital Group, Inc. [USCG] as of the date of this website, which are subject to change without notice at any time. There is no obligation to update, modify, or amend the information herein or otherwise notify a recipient of these materials in the event that any information contained herein, or any opinion, projection, forecast, or estimate, changes or subsequently becomes inaccurate. The information provided herein is believed to be reliable and has been obtained from sources USCG believes are reliable, but no representation or warranty is made, express or implied, with respect to the fairness, correctness, accuracy, reasonableness, or completeness of the information and opinions. Neither USCG nor any of its affiliates, representatives, or executives represents that the information contained in this website is accurate, current, or complete. USCG does not represent that any opinion or projection will be realized. For the avoidance of doubt, no investment advice is being provided through this website by USCG or any of its affiliates (including USx Capital, Inc.), representatives, or executives. Each recipient of this website should make such investigation as it deems necessary to arrive at an independent evaluation of the contents hereof and should consult its own legal, financial, and accounting advisors to determine the merits and risks of such an investment.


* Target Returns


All target ROIs shown in this site are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual results, and are not a guarantee of future results. Target returns are based on assumptions that may not prove to be accurate. There are several limitations inherent in target returns like those portrayed in this website. Additionally, a specific investor’s actual performance may differ materially from such illustrative data depending on numerous factors. No representations or warranties whatsoever are made by USCG, its affiliates, subsidiaries, or any other person or entity regarding the future profitability of an investment vehicle or the results of making an investment. Projected or past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Due to various risks and uncertainties, actual events or results may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated in such forward-looking statements and may be worse due to various factors, including, without limitation, changes in laws, fluctuations in real estate markets, the tourism and hospitality industries & the oil and gas sector and increases in costs, and adverse conditions in the credit and capital markets. Moreover, actual events are difficult to project and often depend on factors beyond the control of USCG, its subsidiaries, and affiliates.

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